join me in-person at my studio - 27th - 29th january 2025
Learn How To Confidently Create Signature Scents And Design Custom Perfumes
Even If  You are Just Starting Out and Have No Practical Experience

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Most people think
As long as you study lots and learn the theory you will be able to make perfume....right?
You keep reading and asking questions but keep putting off the actual creating bit for another day. Until you "know more"

knowing what to do and actually doing are very different ...
often even after lots of study many people are too afraid to get making as they are afraid of getting it wrong and wasting time and costly materials. 
Materials Are Expensive!
Yes they are and often it's really hard to know what something will smell like before you buy so you don't. Or you go on a shopping spree of materials and have no clue how to use them  - sound familiar?
I Just Haven't Found The Time To Get Started!
Perfumery is a practical experience and online training relies on a lot of self motivation. You have to be really disciplined to do the work and the practical experimentation every day. It can be extra hard if you don't have a dedicated perfume making space at home to set everything up and pack it down again.
I Need To See How It's Done In Person!
People have different learning styles. Some are happy to learn online and do lots of practical experimentation alone but others need to immerse in a practical class in person to really know HOW to do something. 
Here's the thing
Often once someone has shown you the HOW........
its much easier to keep the momentum and carry on at home.
I get it!
I was once there too. In 1999 I was working for a huge perfume manufacturer as a fragrance evaluator selecting perfumes for major brands......
I'd done years of study whilst working in the industry and even taught classes to product buyers. When I landed a job working with a leading natural products brand I was over the moon.
I was asked to create some fragrances for their products alongside their formulating chemist
I knew WHAT to do but in practice I felt like a fraud as although I had studied lots I had done very little practical perfume making.

I knew I had to just get on with it, I had no choice but to get in the lab and make the scents. 

The amazing thing was that once I got started with putting all my knowledge into practice my confidence grew and it no longer felt hard or scary.
just imagine
What it would be like to confidently create your own fragrances with ease?
Once you know the 3 basic parts of perfume creation the rest will fall into place
and you can apply it to any product!
If you are a beginner
 A practical class is a great place to start.
If you have been doing lots of study but you are not feeling very confident it will take you to the next level
if you haven't dusted off your materials for a while and need a bit of a refresher then a practical class will get you back into your stride again.
Perhaps you want to start a business 
Or perhaps you have a product line already and you're struggling to get the scent right.
You want to make sure
 You are doing it right and that your perfumes are both beautiful AND safe
But most of all you want to be able to get INSTANT FEEDBACK on your perfumes AND Get to experience creating perfumes with professional grade materials
The Programme
The Artisan Perfumery Immersion
27th-29th January 2025
A 3 day practical perfumery course that will take you from idea to finished fragrance. The perfect class for all budding Artisan Perfumers no matter what your experience level.

3 full days in person
workbooks included
in a professional studio setting
You keep your formulas and your creations
→ the agenda
Day One...
is all about learning your materials and training your nose like a professional. This is a really important step before you start creating. We will spend the whole day smelling, analysing and immersing ourselves in a palette of essential oils, absolutes, isolates, aroma chemicals and perfumers bases. We will discuss their scent, their make up, their safety and their uses in modern perfumery.
Day Two...
is all about creating accords – the fundamental building blocks of perfume. The more time you spend creating accords the more you will learn about how your materials interact and work with each other. During this practical hands on day you will be making lots of accords. You will be bottling and recording your weighed formula so you will leave with a collection to use in future fragrances.
Day Three...
The final day is where we put everything together and you will spend the day creating a custom perfume to a brief set by you.
This could be a brand new project or something you have been working on that you need help with. You will leave the day with 1 or 2 perfumes (depending on how far you get) and their formula plus the knowledge to keep creating when you get home.

The Course takes place at Karen's Perfumery Studio In The New Forest
(7 miles south of the medieval cathedral city of Salisbury) The studio is 20 minute taxi ride from Salisbury station
but you will need to hurry
Just 8 Places Available!
Class sizes are kept small to allow for maximum individual help
Over 3 Days
You'll learn how to:
smell like a professional perfumer 
and evaluate fragrance materials such as essential oils, absolutes, isolates, aroma chemicals and perfumers bases. The key to improving your sense of smell.
dilute and weigh materials correctly
so that you can use them safely and minimise wasteage. No drops here! We do everything by weight so you can accurately reproduce your perfume formula.
use natural and synthetic materials 
safely in your fragrances and accurately record your fragrance formula so you can consistently recreate it

create accords
so you can cut down your perfume creation time and understand how different materials react with each other
so that you can turn easily turn any idea into a workable plan and turn your written brief or idea into a finished fragrance.
put your accords together
to create a variety of modifications of your finished fragrance AND have a system to carry on creating at home.
The Artisan Perfumery Immersion
  • 3 full days in person training (value £4500)
  • Lunch and refreshments
  • Workbooks included
  • ​Professional studio setting
  • ​Your accords, formulas and finished fragrances to keep
Total Value = (£4500++)
Book Today For £999
they said
Some of the lovely feedback we've had about the course
asma sharapova
A Huge Thank You!
Just a little note to say a huge thank you for all your energy, commitment and for giving so much. Really appreciate the time and effort you put into creating a wonderful course for us and for executing it so brilliantly. Really enjoyed all the days and found the structure extremely useful and helpful. Thank you for all your encouraging words too.
Super supportive and extremely knowledgeable 
It was so great to have a chance to learn more about various oils and how to compile a perfume, with an expert in the room, but also with fellow learners. It's such an art that guided practice is a really useful element of learning, which I imagine never ends! Karen is a super supportive and extremely knowledgeable teacher and her studio is perfection.
It really helped me to clarify my ideas
I just wanted to say a BIG thank you for such an inspirational class. I found it absolutely brilliant and it really helped me to clarify my ideas. It is definitely the area I want to blend my business into and so I am really excited to have made that decision now and can move forward with it
I know how hard it is to get going alone.
The only way you’ll become more confident in your perfumery abilities is to roll up your sleeves and get creating 
The Artisan Perfumery Immersion
  • 3 full days in person (value £4500)
  • Lunch and refreshments
  • Workbooks included
  • ​Professional studio setting
  • ​Your accords, formulas and finished fragrances to keep
Total Value = (£4500++)
Book Today For £999
If you have a question not answered below just let us know
I don’t want a group class can I just do this with you privately?
Yes absolutely - we can arrange a private version of the class with you for as few or as many days as you wish. Prices start at £1500 per day and we can tailor something to your requirements.
is there ACCOMMODATION nearby. Where can I stay?

There is plenty of accommodation in the surrounding countryside or in Salisbury if you prefer. Public transport is limited but there is plenty of space to park at the venue. Salisbury town centre is approximately a 20-30 minute drive (8 miles) from the studio. Some people ask if they can drive in every day from London and we do not recommend this unless you love getting up early or sitting in traffic on the motorway. Take the time out to fully immerse in your perfumery practice and stay nearby instead.

Can I just come for one day?
Unfortunately not, this is a complete course and the days follow on from one another. There are other shorter classes available if you feel 3 days is too much as this stage. 
Will you be repeating this class as the dates don't work for me
There will hopefully be other opportunities throughout the year so please make sure you are on the mailing list and keep an eye on your inbox.
I’m a beginner will it be too advanced ?
No not at all. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and 1 to 1 help plus everyone gets to work at their own pace. Many people repeat the class as a refresher and learn more each time.

I’m already making perfume is it for me ?
Yes! I have had people attend the class who already have fragances on the market and just want some one to one help on a project without the expense of a private session.
I have your online course will this help me?

The Artisan Perfumery Mastermind is an excellent foundation AND follow up. I find that a practical class helps to consolidate and put into practice the learning from the online programme so its the perfect companion.
Are you ready to bring your fragrance idea to life?
Get my one to one help and guidance as well as connecting with a group of like minded people in a beautiful countryside setting away from all distractions. 

See you there!

© Copyright 2024  - All Rights Reserved, Online Perfume School Ltd | Karen Gilbert